international playable city award

Hidden interactive creatures in the city are getting ready to play

Meet the Urbanimals – winner of the Playable City Award 2015 “Bringing people together through play in forgotten areas of the city lies at the heart of what we do.” (Anna Grajper & Sebastian Dobiesz, LAX, 2015 Playable City Award winners) Urbanimals, created by the Laboratory for Architectural Experiments, LAX, based in Poland, is the…

Whispering clouds & leaping dolphins

From Marimba benches to whispering clouds, Watershed unveiled the seven shortlisted projects last week, each in line to win the 2015 Playable City Award. The award launched earlier this year, inviting artists, designers, architects, technologists and creative practitioners from all over the world to propose new and distinctive ideas that put people and play at…

“Mysterious, gothic and gritty”

Clare Reddington, Exec Producer, Playable City Award describes Shadowing, the winner of the 2014 £30,000 international Playable City Award, to get Bristol residents dancing with shadows This week the Watershed in Bristol unveiled the 2014 winner of the £30,000 international Playable City Award, design duoJonathan Chomko and Matthew Rosier, based in New York and Treviso,…