An ocean of consciousness…

As workingwomen, we tend to give 100% of ourselves to our work. Maybe we want to prove that we can deliver? Or we are so passionate about our work that we cannot stop working? I guess it is a mix of both for me. And over the years, I have realised that even if my work fulfils me, I need to stop and refill every single week. So I do lots of different activities to forces me out of work. Literally. And three years ago, I decided to surf.

Thanks to great friends I discovered that it was actually possible to start surfing at the age of 36! In fact, you can start anything you want whenever you want as long as you put your mind and heart to it. I am privileged to live very close to the seaside.

So from April till November, I tend to go surfing every week. I just love the feeling of entering another world: a new world, a parallel world. When I go into the ocean, everything stops. It is only the ocean and I. I cannot invite any unwanted thoughts or feelings. They have stayed behind because my life is on the line and my natural survival instinct instantly causes me to alert and connected to this element. As soon as my body makes contact with the water, everything goes away. In a fraction of a second, my head goes empty. The cleansing process is short but intense. I have to let myself go. My mind and probably my subconscious use a kind of reset button to engage new processes. I find myself observing the sea. Trying to understand where the current comes from, where is the best spot to go? I start slowly. I try to feel how I should best cross the crashing waves. The ocean changes all the time but I can apprehend it. I have to trust it and overcome my fear. Respect and humility are the only passwords. Yesterday, it let me pass through the line. I went behind looking at the horizon and the beach. I felt special. I stayed infused for a while looking at the beauty around me. It was so quiet. The forming waves caressed the bottom of my board. I let myself go and I entered yet again a new dimension where infinity goes in all directions. I felt small but it was good. I stayed at least half an hour in the heart of this quiet strength. Then I felt ready to ride. I chose the one that felt right. I had to row very hard making sure I was at the same speed of the wave. Sometimes I am too slow, sometimes too fast. And if that is the case, I miss the wave. Yesterday, I managed to catch it. I connected with it and off I went! I was up on my board, being one with the wave.


As ever, it was magical. At that moment, all I could feel was happiness in its purest form. I just loved it! So I returned back and took several other waves. Yesterday was a good day. When my body tells me that it was enough, I returned to the beach carrying my heavy board back to the car. I was tired but so full of these incredible sensations and ready to go back to earth life, filled with a renewed energy. Surfing is an amazing sport, which engages body, mind and soul for a super ride. With this little note, I would advise anyone who would like to do something a little different to try surfing; maybe for your next holiday? Contrary to what we might naturally think, it is not an activity reserved for experts or professionals. And like every sport, you can do it at your own pace and still collect all those beneficial sensations that will enhance your life.




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