Dartmouth Films | Magic Medicine

Ladbury has started working with Dartmouth Films and is promoting their feature length documentary Magic Medicine.

Over 4 years, filmmaker Monty Wates was given exclusive access to the first ever medical trial to give psilocybin (the psychoactive ingredient in magic mushrooms) to a group of volunteers suffering from clinical depression. His remarkable film follows three of the volunteers and their families, and the ambitious staff running the trial, who are hoping this controversial treatment will have the power to transform millions of lives.

Dartmouth Films makes documentaries that make a difference. The Dartmouth filmmakers are pioneers of independent documentaries – films made and funded outside the broadcast system. The Dartmouth Films team works closely with NGOs, advocacy and community groups to ensure that the films – and their message – have as wide a distribution as possible. This innovative company enjoys supporting new and emerging directors.

To learn more about Dartmouth Films, click here.