SWCTN is a £6.6 million project to link research to development by expanding the use of creative technologies and supporting business growth across the region. Today SWCTN annouce they are seeking to appoint 24 Data Fellows to the South West Creative Technology Network. This is an exciting and flexible part-time opportunity for people from industry, academia, and those new to data.

Ideal applicants are people who want to think deeply about the potential, challenges, and opportunities in the realm of Data. This is a unique and exciting opportunity to step back from commercial, academic or career pressures, and focus on developing innovative research and invigorating collaborations.

Fellowships run for ten months from April 2020 through to Jan 2021, with most time commitment required in the first three months (April to June 2020). Each Fellow will receive a £12k bursary to support time and research costs. Find out more and apply here